Одноразовий інструмент
A strange assortment of circuit boards that don't seem like they should be compatible. The device does not appear to ever have been powered on.
Alien Material
A bone chip from a Drone's claw. It might be useful.
Quantity: 3
Industrial Material
Lightly used plastic filament that could be used to make something.
Quantity: 4
Alien Material
A tough semi-transparent material salvaged from the exoskeleton of a Drone. It might be useful.
Quantity: 1
Tech Material
Computer components salvaged while fighting the Swarm. These are labelled as memory management units.
Quantity: 1
Industrial Material
Salvaged scrap metal that could be useful when building or repairing things.
Quantity: 7
Bulk Material
A pile of loose insulated wires of assorted lengths. Possibly useful for building or repairing something.
Quantity: 765
Tech Material
Computer components salvaged while fighting the Swarm. These are labelled as arithmetic logic units.
Quantity: 2
Industrial Material
A large, mostly-charged chemical cell found while fighting the Swarm.
Quantity: 10
Industrial Material
A collection of discarded but intact capacitors, resistors, transistors, and integrated circuits found while fighting the Swarm.
Quantity: 6
Alien Material
A sample of the green acid that Rangers spit. It might be useful.
Quantity: 3
Industrial Material
A small container of thermo-conductive fluid found during a mission.
Quantity: 1
Bulk Material
A pile of pure elemental carbon. Interesting.
Quantity: 1,295
Industrial Material
A length of sturdy pipe that could be useful for construction or repairs.
Quantity: 7
Industrial Material
This tiny box could be used to store a small amount of something.
Quantity: 10
Salvaged Material
A pile of red sand, found while on a mission.
Quantity: 2
M868 використовує паливо на основі напалму під великим тиском, яке спроможне вкрити широку область, спалюючи кожного, хто опинився в зоні вогню, протягом певного часу. При використанні вогнемета треба уважно слідкувати за тим, щоб у зону вогню не потрапили члени вашої команди, особливо, коли користуєтеся вогнеметом на ходу.
Strange Device
Salvaged Material
A pile of schematics and intelligence, found while on a mission.
Quantity: 1
Finished Season 8 in rank #2,040 with a score of 1. Medal awarded to those who participated in any season of Heroes of the Interstellar Armed Forces. Aliens Killed: 8 Team Kills: 0 Successful Missions: 1 Failed Missions: 0
Thrown in the air by the giant worm in Operation Sandstorm. Worms Touched: 0 Stats are only updated while this item is equipped.
Style: Participant
Finished Season 24 in rank #587 with a score of 1,690. Medal awarded to those who participated in any season of Heroes of the Interstellar Armed Forces. Aliens Killed: 292 Team Kills: 2 Successful Missions: 6 Failed Missions: 8