A 22A3-1 é a arma de combate padrão fornecida a um marine das Forças Armadas Interestelares. Com uma elevada cadência de tiro e munições explosivas de alta velocidade para o lançador de granadas suspenso, esta arma oferece uma versatilidade significativa no terreno, capaz de abater alvos pequenos e grandes. A capacidade do carregador padrão é de 98 balas.
Aliens Killed: 696
Strange Device
Tech Material
Computer components salvaged while fighting the Swarm. These are labelled as data storage media.
Quantity: 3
Bulk Material
A pile of pure elemental carbon. Interesting.
Quantity: 4,932
Industrial Material
A length of sturdy pipe that could be useful for construction or repairs.
Quantity: 2
The trick is, this isn't a hat or a medal. It's a commemorative sticker. Complete the Ready For Duty achievement in Team Fortress 2 to unlock.
Industrial Material
A small container of thermo-conductive fluid found during a mission.
Quantity: 8
Industrial Material
A large, mostly-charged chemical cell found while fighting the Swarm.
Quantity: 1
Salvaged Material
A hazardous material that freezes on contact, found while on a mission.
Quantity: 1
Industrial Material
Lightly used plastic filament that could be used to make something.
Quantity: 2
Industrial Material
A collection of discarded but intact capacitors, resistors, transistors, and integrated circuits found while fighting the Swarm.
Quantity: 1
Industrial Material
This tiny box could be used to store a small amount of something.
Quantity: 3