Industrial Material
A length of sturdy pipe that could be useful for construction or repairs.
Quantity: 19
Salvaged Material
Unused rolls of vent tape, found while on a mission.
Quantity: 2
Salvaged Material
A barrel of corrosive fluid, found while on a mission.
Quantity: 3
Salvaged Material
The husk of an antlion, found while on a mission.
Quantity: 2
Awarded to commanders who demonstrated Outstanding Execution in the Nam Humanum campaign.
Awarded to commanders who demonstrated Outstanding Execution in the Operation Cleansweep campaign.
Tech Material
Computer components salvaged while fighting the Swarm. These are labelled as data storage media.
Quantity: 6
Industrial Material
A collection of discarded but intact capacitors, resistors, transistors, and integrated circuits found while fighting the Swarm.
Quantity: 47
Alien Material
A bone chip from a Drone's claw. It might be useful.
Quantity: 9
Tech Material
Computer components salvaged while fighting the Swarm. These are labelled as memory management units.
Quantity: 4
Industrial Material
This tiny box could be used to store a small amount of something.
Quantity: 29
Alien Material
A tough semi-transparent material salvaged from the exoskeleton of a Drone. It might be useful.
Quantity: 10
Industrial Material
Salvaged scrap metal that could be useful when building or repairing things.
Quantity: 24
Industrial Material
A large, mostly-charged chemical cell found while fighting the Swarm.
Quantity: 29
Industrial Material
Lightly used plastic filament that could be used to make something.
Quantity: 37
Alien Material
A small sample of alien biomass collected while on a mission. It might be useful.
Quantity: 8
Industrial Material
A small container of thermo-conductive fluid found during a mission.
Quantity: 34
Bulk Material
A pile of pure elemental carbon. Interesting.
Quantity: 11,675
Tech Material
Computer components salvaged while fighting the Swarm. These are labelled as arithmetic logic units.
Quantity: 4
Salvaged Material
Radioactive material, found while on a mission.
Quantity: 4
Awarded to commanders who demonstrated Outstanding Execution in the Jacob's Rest campaign.
Bulk Material
A pile of loose insulated wires of assorted lengths. Possibly useful for building or repairing something.
Quantity: 2,960
Salvaged Material
A pile of red sand, found while on a mission.
Quantity: 3
Автокулемет СинТек S23A — один із найпрогресивніших видів штурмової зброї серед наявних у команді. Завдяки надскладній системі наведення і потужному індуктивному джерелу електромагнітного поля, ця зброя може легко відстежувати ворожі цілі та автоматично змінювати траєкторію куль після пострілу, забезпечуючи тим самим влучення в мішень. Автокулемет має велику зупиняючу силу і може використовуватися для стримування значних сил ворога. Ця зброя вимагає спеціальної підготовки.
Aliens Killed: 5,819
Missions: 21
Salvaged Material
A pile of schematics and intelligence, found while on a mission.
Quantity: 3
Alien Material
A sample of the green acid that Rangers spit. It might be useful.
Quantity: 1
Salvaged Material
A pristine pack of SynUp Cola cans, found while on a mission.
Quantity: 2
Salvaged Material
A hazardous material that freezes on contact, found while on a mission.
Quantity: 1