Одноразовий інструмент
A strange assortment of circuit boards that don't seem like they should be compatible. The device does not appear to ever have been powered on.
M868 використовує паливо на основі напалму під великим тиском, яке спроможне вкрити широку область, спалюючи кожного, хто опинився в зоні вогню, протягом певного часу. При використанні вогнемета треба уважно слідкувати за тим, щоб у зону вогню не потрапили члени вашої команди, особливо, коли користуєтеся вогнеметом на ходу.
Industrial Material
This tiny box could be used to store a small amount of something.
Quantity: 5
Bulk Material
A pile of loose insulated wires of assorted lengths. Possibly useful for building or repairing something.
Quantity: 500
Industrial Material
Salvaged scrap metal that could be useful when building or repairing things.
Quantity: 2
Industrial Material
A small container of thermo-conductive fluid found during a mission.
Quantity: 5
Tech Material
Computer components salvaged while fighting the Swarm. These are labelled as arithmetic logic units.
Quantity: 2
Bulk Material
A pile of pure elemental carbon. Interesting.
Quantity: 1,568
Industrial Material
A collection of discarded but intact capacitors, resistors, transistors, and integrated circuits found while fighting the Swarm.
Quantity: 4
Alien Material
A small sample of alien biomass collected while on a mission. It might be useful.
Quantity: 1
Industrial Material
Lightly used plastic filament that could be used to make something.
Quantity: 2
Tech Material
Computer components salvaged while fighting the Swarm. These are labelled as memory management units.
Quantity: 1
Industrial Material
A large, mostly-charged chemical cell found while fighting the Swarm.
Quantity: 2
Fought the Swarm during Steam SHMUP Fest 2023.
Thrown in the air by the giant worm in Operation Sandstorm. Worms Touched: 0 Stats are only updated while this item is equipped.
Awarded to commanders who demonstrated Outstanding Execution in the Operation Cleansweep campaign.