Awarded to commanders who demonstrated Outstanding Execution in the Jacob's Rest campaign.
Awarded to commanders who demonstrated Outstanding Execution in the Operation Cleansweep campaign.
Awarded to commanders who demonstrated Outstanding Execution in the Paranoia campaign.
Single-Use Tool
A strange assortment of circuit boards that don't seem like they should be compatible. The device does not appear to ever have been powered on.
Industrial Material
A length of sturdy pipe that could be useful for construction or repairs.
Quantity: 5
Industrial Material
A large, mostly-charged chemical cell found while fighting the Swarm.
Quantity: 2
Bulk Material
A pile of loose insulated wires of assorted lengths. Possibly useful for building or repairing something.
Quantity: 149
Industrial Material
This tiny box could be used to store a small amount of something.
Quantity: 4
Industrial Material
Salvaged scrap metal that could be useful when building or repairing things.
Quantity: 1
Industrial Material
Lightly used plastic filament that could be used to make something.
Quantity: 3
Le 22A7-Z est une version prototype du Fusil d'Assaut 22A3, conçu pour une utilisation en milieu urbain, créé pour contrôler les foules ou les situations qui dégénèrent autour de cibles civiles. Encore à l'essai, un certain nombre de modèles ont été donnés aux FIA pour les tests. L'A7-Z est équipé d'une aide à la visée et de quelques grenades étourdissantes. Ce fusil est utilisable seulement par des Marines ayant été formés auparavant, ceci étant dû aux compétences compliquées requises pour cette arme.