Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop Stats


Steam SHMUP Fest 2023


Fought the Swarm during Steam SHMUP Fest 2023.

Rareté: Peu commun, Slot: Medal

Air Time


Thrown in the air by the giant worm in Operation Sandstorm. Worms Touched: 0 Stats are only updated while this item is equipped.

Rareté: Strange, Slot: Medal, Strange Devices: #inventory_strange_42

Trick Hat


The trick is, this isn't a hat or a medal. It's a commemorative sticker. Complete the Ready For Duty achievement in Team Fortress 2 to unlock.

Rareté: Commun, Slot: Medal

Beta Tester's Strange Device

Single-Use Tool

A strange assortment of circuit boards that don't seem like they should be compatible. The device does not appear to ever have been powered on.

Crafting Item: Single-Use Tool, #inventory_contains_any: #inventory_contains_any_set_1_strange_device

Fusil Médical FIA


Une arme de guérison des FIA conçue pour traiter les blessés tout en avançant. Disponible uniquement pour les médecins formés, le Fusil Médical est mobile, léger et est une version de poche des Balises Médicales. Le Fusil Médical peut également être utilisé pour l'auto-guérison grâce au Tir Alternatif.

Healing: 0

Rareté: Strange, Slot: Weapon, Class Restriction: Medic

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