Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop Stats
Onion Bubs


Trick Hat


The trick is, this isn't a hat or a medal. It's a commemorative sticker. Complete the Ready For Duty achievement in Team Fortress 2 to unlock.

Rareté: Commun, Slot: Medal

Autogun S23A SynTek


Le S23A SynTek Autogun est parmi les armes d'assaut les plus avancées actuellement disponibles. Comprenant un système un système de suivi sophistiqué et une puissante chambre à induction à champ électromagnétique, cette arme peut identifiée des cibles hostiles et modifier automatiquement la trajectoire des balles dès qu'elles quittent le canon afin d'assurer l'efficacité du tir. L'Autogun a un pouvoir stoppant énorme et peut être utilisé pour abattre un nombre élevé de cibles en approche. Un entrainement Armes Spéciales est requis.

Aliens Killed: 1,195

Alien Kill Streak: 33 (Best: 172)

Rareté: Strange, Slot: Weapon, Class Restriction: Special Weapons

Scrap Metal

Industrial Material

Salvaged scrap metal that could be useful when building or repairing things.

Quantity: 4

Rareté: Commun, Crafting Item: Industrial Material

Battery Pack

Industrial Material

A large, mostly-charged chemical cell found while fighting the Swarm.

Quantity: 3

Rareté: Commun, Crafting Item: Industrial Material

Biomass Sample

Alien Material

A small sample of alien biomass collected while on a mission. It might be useful.

Quantity: 3

Rareté: Peu commun, Crafting Item: Alien Material


Salvaged Material

Radioactive material, found while on a mission.

Quantity: 1

Rareté: Commun, Crafting Item: Salvaged Material

Loose Wires

Bulk Material

A pile of loose insulated wires of assorted lengths. Possibly useful for building or repairing something.

Quantity: 122

Rareté: Commun, Crafting Item: Bulk Material

Spare Pipe

Industrial Material

A length of sturdy pipe that could be useful for construction or repairs.

Quantity: 5

Rareté: Commun, Crafting Item: Industrial Material

Corrosive Fluid Sample

Salvaged Material

A barrel of corrosive fluid, found while on a mission.

Quantity: 1

Rareté: Commun, Crafting Item: Salvaged Material


Industrial Material

Lightly used plastic filament that could be used to make something.

Quantity: 3

Rareté: Commun, Crafting Item: Industrial Material

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