Community Medal
Awarded by Reactive Drop Team for contributing to the Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop translation project.
Community Medal
Awarded for participating in the Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop beta branch.
Community Medal
Awarded by Reactive Drop Team for contributing art that is used in Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop.
Awarded to commanders who demonstrated Outstanding Execution in the Operation Cleansweep campaign.
Single-Use Tool
A strange assortment of circuit boards that don't seem like they should be compatible. The device does not appear to ever have been powered on.
Industrial Material
A collection of discarded but intact capacitors, resistors, transistors, and integrated circuits found while fighting the Swarm.
Quantity: 5
Industrial Material
Salvaged scrap metal that could be useful when building or repairing things.
Quantity: 1
Industrial Material
A length of sturdy pipe that could be useful for construction or repairs.
Quantity: 1
Alien Material
A bone chip from a Drone's claw. It might be useful.
Quantity: 2
Tech Material
Computer components salvaged while fighting the Swarm. These are labelled as memory management units.
Quantity: 1
Bulk Material
A pile of pure elemental carbon. Interesting.
Quantity: 736
Alien Material
A small sample of alien biomass collected while on a mission. It might be useful.
Quantity: 1
Alien Material
A sample of the green acid that Rangers spit. It might be useful.
Quantity: 1
Le S23A SynTek Autogun est parmi les armes d'assaut les plus avancées actuellement disponibles. Comprenant un système un système de suivi sophistiqué et une puissante chambre à induction à champ électromagnétique, cette arme peut identifiée des cibles hostiles et modifier automatiquement la trajectoire des balles dès qu'elles quittent le canon afin d'assurer l'efficacité du tir. L'Autogun a un pouvoir stoppant énorme et peut être utilisé pour abattre un nombre élevé de cibles en approche. Un entrainement Armes Spéciales est requis.
Aliens Killed: %strange_5002%