Status Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop
Heróis das Forças Armadas Interestelares

Anterior Temporada 7 Próximo

Heróis das Forças Armadas Interestelares é uma competição mensal onde os jogadores completam missões em servidores dedicados participantes. Quanto mais difícil a missão, mais pontos ela concede.

Está temporada durou de 1 Janeiro 2023 até 1 Fevereiro 2023.

Ranking History

Classificação Jogador Pontuação Aliens Eliminados Mortes em equipe Missões Concluídas Taxa de Sucesso
Classificação Jogador Pontuação Aliens Eliminados Mortes em equipe Missões Concluídas Taxa de Sucesso
#201 Castorice 2,219 4,105 21 33 28.0% 🇨🇳
#202 Bittersweet Chocolate 2,218 1,435 7 8 17.4%
#203 海猫 2,206 1,401 41 20 13.3%
#204 魚艾心 2,206 19,701 76 192 30.7%
#205 세계돌 2,181 1,557 20 17 11.3% 🇰🇵
#206 wojiaowesa 2,142 1,201 18 3 21.4% 🇨🇳
#207 Pitohui 2,108 2,791 56 5 4.2%
#208 [jogador desconhecido] 2,060 8,148 40 38 11.4%
#209 Little 2,057 3,294 44 43 24.0%
#210 不稳定传送魔药 2,057 5,833 91 8 7.4% 🇨🇳
#211 塔露rua 2,027 4,439 70 15 15.3% 🇨🇳
#212 story is violet 2,026 5,445 50 8 18.6% 🇭🇰
#213 我使用礼服小七 2,023 7,303 52 33 15.1%
#214 CloudPunch 2,022 5,762 20 69 41.3%
#215 萌新Offcial 2,000 3,722 39 16 9.9%
#216 杨某 1,992 767 3 4 16.0% 🇨🇳
#217 徘徊𝕯𝖔𝖚𝖇𝖙 1,927 2,414 29 15 24.6% 🇮🇹
#218 bxk 1,918 2,320 9 22 44.0%
#219 rain 1,911 3,239 25 7 9.9%
#220 喵喵铁馭!!! 1,900 8,024 105 16 8.0%
#221 翻斗花园机枪手壮壮妈 1,870 2,525 56 38 16.4%
#222 Starduster 1,840 964 12 11 35.5%
#223 嘎吱嘎吱gaba 1,837 3,279 26 23 12.0% 🇨🇳
#224 Called the octopus 1,810 2,168 27 4 4.7% 🇨🇳
#225 FriendZone 1,797 698 3 5 19.2%
#226 KuaiLe XingXing 1,785 8,713 98 32 20.6% 🇨🇳
#227 imelman 1,713 5,810 6 23 15.6%
#228 wer4544 1,711 1,090 29 42 17.0% 🇨🇳
#229 有顶天的冰沙桃 1,680 4,028 46 16 6.3%
#230 朱自清 1,676 8,516 128 8 4.2%
#231 Eternity 1,663 2,655 91 15 11.9% 🇨🇳
#232 痛宰傻逼队友 1,659 4 0 6 10.5% 🇯🇵
#233 YuriSama 1,612 1,000 15 22 18.3% 🇵🇪
#234 Long Way To Go 1,585 6,494 72 34 16.1% 🇨🇳
#235 Cross 1,533 86 12 7 20.6%
#236 AnTalexx🐺 1,514 3,369 24 24 22.4% 🇱🇻
#237 Vincent ∝₁歌ξ 1,506 264 25 5 7.4%
#238 EstuckV 1,502 761 0 11 68.8%
#239 千世 1,471 1,240 14 19 37.3%
#240 32752313412484 1,453 1,953 35 6 14.0%
#241 Kyōko Kirigiri 1,443 413 5 5 31.2% 🇨🇳
#242 shpaDoinkle 1,429 11,962 60 123 34.6% 🇺🇸
#243 an1mal 1,419 2,464 8 10 16.4%
#244 Beware 1,418 3,568 59 52 28.6% 🇻🇪
#245 蜘蛛 1,413 7,364 83 76 31.1%
#246 Ano 1,394 5,741 99 14 6.6%
#247 不上装高手 1,381 3,588 24 10 14.7%
#248 求醉今生 1,371 4,697 30 52 27.2%
#249 蛙打呱擦ω 1,360 7,705 19 45 33.8% 🇨🇳
#250 <阿巴阿巴>ʕ̯•͡˔•̯ 1,352 3,944 39 18 15.5% 🇨🇳
#251 Sheriff 1,336 7,876 22 66 48.5%
#252 Athens_rojario 1,320 697 1 13 38.2% 🇧🇩
#253 GOGOGO 1,318 4,042 51 10 7.8%
#254 ''孤 1,311 5,683 18 48 21.1% 🇨🇳
#255 DRAGO_q 1,310 1,382 19 32 53.3%
#256 QIWU 1,300 5,746 75 80 26.8%
#257 薇薇简. 1,293 2,685 74 19 12.5% 🇨🇳
#258 Eternfius 1,278 13 0 8 66.7%
#259 ikun 1,277 647 4 14 28.0%
#260 勿扰404 1,267 4,625 26 28 18.2%
#261 <πψζ>Elias 1,266 173 14 5 10.6% 🇪🇸
#262 defenestration 1,260 3,485 92 5 4.6%
#263 6不6 1,247 1,517 40 13 8.4%
#264 云刀风猎 1,221 1,963 14 18 29.0% 🇨🇳
#265 grp19808877 1,195 959 23 30 16.5%
#266 M. 1,195 2,802 32 53 27.9%
#267 ☻Mos_Teng~☺ 1,182 1,003 11 11 29.7% 🇨🇳
#268 大威天龙 1,181 18 7 6 12.8% 🇨🇳
#269 ShyLocK 1,178 22,008 14 203 76.6%
#270 Smile 1,149 4,758 48 17 13.8%
#271 Aucomes 1,146 1,438 12 18 16.2%
#272 358团楚云飞来帮帮场子 1,145 2,187 5 5 16.1% 🇨🇳
#273 喵? 1,131 1,140 7 5 13.9% 🇨🇳
#274 勇敢肘子 不怕白给 1,125 989 29 5 7.4% 🇨🇳
#275 rainy 1,116 3,183 71 11 10.6% 🇨🇳
#276 人妻 1,113 3,832 37 47 27.5%
#277 Snake 1,111 3,984 17 36 36.4%
#278 林林wyltakeit 1,111 3,170 72 6 3.6%
#279 Diane Foxington 1,104 290 6 2 6.5% 🇨🇳
#280 dwimmermorc 1,103 186 1 17 51.5%
#281 白夜 1,100 873 5 5 13.9%
#282 有啥必玩的游戏 1,098 5,124 27 28 12.0%
#283 Reggae Shark 1,081 187 4 4 30.8%
#284 * 久世 * 1,080 228 11 3 13.6%
#285 彩泥斯 1,069 10,492 40 77 48.1%
#286 H3N 1,057 500 11 16 38.1%
#287 C4小炸弹 1,056 1,902 18 27 18.8%
#288 jouska✨ 1,045 1,267 6 2 3.6%
#289 暗夜 1,024 435 16 3 9.7%
#290 拉普ssk 1,014 505 4 3 33.3%
#291 和的了 1,012 2,788 10 51 45.9%
#292 0071 986 5,753 71 13 11.9% 🇨🇳
#293 Alanwa7e 958 2,543 14 10 13.7%
#294 吾乃光之救世主蓬莱寺九霄是也 于此 参上 955 2,573 20 36 21.2%
#295 CODE9 920 720 33 13 20.3%
#296 duredent 915 2,375 4 52 43.7% 🇫🇷
#297 Jhon Wick 913 45 1 5 55.6% 🇵🇪
#298 532772 907 1,439 49 33 17.6% 🇨🇳
#299 ゆずりは いのり 900 9,400 35 66 31.9%
#300 幻影特工 898 464 2 8 13.6% 🇨🇳