Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop Stats
Heroes of the Interstellar Armed Forces

Previous Season 4 Next

Heroes of the Interstellar Armed Forces is a monthly competition where players complete missions on participating dedicated servers. The harder the mission, the more points it grants.

This season ran from 1 Октябрь 2022 to 1 Ноябрь 2022.

Ranking History

Rank Player Score Aliens Eliminated Team Kills Missions Completed Success Rate
Rank Player Score Aliens Eliminated Team Kills Missions Completed Success Rate
#201 Nephthys 1,450 1,251 15 9 18.0% 🇵🇹
#202 Blue 1,431 9,114 7 149 68.7%
#203 Kubo 1,423 5,779 24 55 38.2% 🇺🇦
#204 wei 1,422 929 9 15 26.8% 🇨🇳
#205 kksert 1,402 3,040 10 8 5.3%
#206 changsheng 1,399 6,141 135 10 7.5%
#207 1,397 854 9 13 31.0%
#208 Feed4423 1,378 3,398 10 24 47.1% 🇷🇺
#209 冷漠市民 1,376 1,690 22 8 23.5%
#210 Bucheron09 | LFT 1,361 5,717 13 75 61.5%
#211 坤坤爆 1,360 130 7 3 37.5%
#212 комиссар сосиска 1,303 5,024 35 23 30.7% 🇷🇺
#213 a cake 1,299 2,264 13 49 38.0%
#214 Be'lakor 1,294 9,402 16 66 43.1%
#215 Mithrand 1,293 2,881 17 13 18.8%
#216 再无那片海 1,260 635 18 8 13.6%
#217 ZhongGuoRen 1,249 9,146 26 40 48.2% 🇨🇳
#218 雷欧克之友 1,248 3,506 13 26 17.3%
#219 D9 1,216 39 1 2 28.6%
#220 Lipto 1,204 2,385 11 69 57.0% 🇫🇷
#221 76561198802399447 1,183 1,519 9 4 11.4%
#222 nanako871_TTV 1,176 25 1 2 22.2%
#223 花园北村 1,158 4,382 46 44 15.6%
#224 AQI 1,155 6,600 16 72 60.5%
#225 lnicio陽 1,081 2,018 16 13 23.6% 🇨🇳
#226 小骷髅 1,080 767 1 2 10.0%
#227 ПΞGΛ 1,048 6,019 10 35 46.7%
#228 Bad Time 1,047 5,366 24 15 23.4%
#229 [BOT] HDLotz 1,041 556 13 7 53.8% 🇨🇳
#230 Kyo. 1,041 7,957 62 5 7.1%
#231 ccc 1,041 2,064 10 7 13.5%
#232 湖面的老猫 1,013 877 4 15 32.6%
#233 tenniyo 1,009 206 4 25 54.3%
#234 黄唯一 1,008 3,507 55 5 5.6% 🇨🇳
#235 Ever 1,003 4,091 19 11 18.0%
#236 Sam 1,000 2,346 8 20 29.9%
#237 干坏事 982 697 4 11 17.5%
#238 YUUKI 977 1,328 19 10 13.7% 🇨🇳
#239 落满南山 953 401 2 31 53.4%
#240 笑里有清风 946 4,743 29 37 30.3% 🇨🇳
#241 James 940 1,988 3 53 63.1%
#242 →→迩芣懂 938 550 10 8 16.7%
#243 <3 934 373 6 6 19.4%
#244 Ttosok 933 1,719 9 35 42.7% 🇻🇳
#245 延迟180 929 1,422 21 7 10.3%
#246 WindWalker 920 3,069 25 34 43.0% 🇵🇹
#247 柚子厨 877 4,583 17 15 40.5%
#248 睡觉想不开 860 1,231 1 5 15.6%
#249 automatedpos 857 830 9 23 21.1%
#250 demons 836 129 19 7 13.0% 🇨🇳
#251 wertasavr98 833 2,289 29 19 24.1% 🇺🇸
#252 Deabydaw 820 3,699 8 130 75.1%
#253 三十 812 2,656 12 13 20.6% 🇨🇳
#254 dawa 811 442 43 14 7.7% 🇨🇳
#255 (WF) 807 2,261 7 21 22.1%
#256 Maloku 799 840 17 12 16.0% 🇫🇷
#257 [臭西瓜] 792 113 1 1 100.0%
#258 THZF-BaiFeng 788 2,860 84 21 6.3%
#259 空心菜 767 1,658 31 13 7.6%
#260 Walloper 766 476 4 6 27.3% 🇺🇸
#261 Monkey 763 607 1 24 46.2%
#262 Auricular 736 2,318 4 11 47.8% 🇩🇪
#263 0p_p1ayer 727 239 5 3 42.9%
#264 Bittersweet Chocolate 726 3,157 16 2 8.0%
#265 :) 719 1,300 20 24 20.5%
#266 ⢪⢫⣡⣢ 713 4,314 42 24 26.1% 🇨🇳
#267 角斗士的终牡蛎 708 939 28 5 8.1% 🇯🇵
#268 云刀风猎 706 2,486 25 17 16.5% 🇨🇳
#269 GudwinAO 703 52 1 6 42.9%
#270 云深不知处 699 77 12 6 16.2%
#271 Grisha_Vestnik 688 332 4 8 26.7% 🇷🇺
#272 扶他干嘛愣着啊 672 1,469 2 23 23.5%
#273 可能梦里都有 671 623 19 7 17.1%
#274 杨颜XF 670 167 5 7 16.3% 🇨🇳
#275 Sol Watcher 664 2,655 15 24 64.9%
#276 行云Official 639 4,364 34 30 22.1% 🇨🇳
#277 Chompinstomp 636 7,092 22 39 44.8% 🇷🇺
#278 weak 631 5,590 22 36 43.4%
#279 哆啦B梦 628 78 1 4 40.0% 🇨🇳
#280 杀虫剂 618 28 1 4 44.4%
#281 Temple 610 231 4 5 10.6%
#282 我要把你日的喵喵叫>w< 610 76 11 5 20.8% 🇨🇳
#283 leoke 606 361 3 2 33.3%
#284 o ya su mi 603 144 1 4 66.7%
#285 Tsuijian 598 354 0 21 48.8% 🇬🇧
#286 defenestration 580 20 0 1 100.0%
#287 Ken 578 1,241 7 20 46.5%
#288 雨雨的小狗 576 626 19 6 10.0%
#289 歪比巴卜 574 233 4 8 16.3%
#290 划水逛街仔 568 1,900 16 14 16.1% 🇨🇳
#291 Franck 6l4i 564 380 10 9 25.7% 🇦🇷
#292 ??? 562 6,413 11 70 40.7%
#293 ๖ۣۜ13 560 5,382 15 62 51.2% 🇸🇮
#294 WTF-8 559 3,544 4 27 69.2% 🇷🇺
#295 III红耀 548 1,147 38 9 11.8%
#296 1115804490 544 1,612 37 23 14.2%
#297 阿德尔玛 540 592 2 9 25.7% 🇨🇳
#298 那我问你 539 3,482 30 19 22.6%
#299 射的多命中就多 538 46 6 4 30.8% 🇦🇽
#300 1733693166 538 3,583 53 33 13.1%