Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop Stats
Heroes of the Interstellar Armed Forces

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Heroes of the Interstellar Armed Forces is a monthly competition where players complete missions on participating dedicated servers. The harder the mission, the more points it grants.

This season ran from 1 June 2024 to 1 July 2024.

Ranking History

Rank Player Score Aliens Eliminated Team Kills Missions Completed Success Rate
Rank Player Score Aliens Eliminated Team Kills Missions Completed Success Rate
#801 蝮蛇突袭 368 134 0 4 100.0% 🇨🇳
#802 Diarhea/Piss 364 209 0 2 100.0%
#803 Wretchad 361 511 0 4 50.0% 🇺🇸
#804 ak 349 1,169 5 10 50.0%
#805 Czlopek 337 197 0 5 100.0%
#806 C0mb1ne 333 15 0 1 100.0%
#807 Y0uth 327 8 0 2 100.0% 🇨🇳
#808 r.navarrom.ust 326 43 0 2 66.7% 🇨🇱
#809 澜月 326 50 0 1 100.0%
#810 Assasin238 326 32 0 1 100.0% 🇨🇿
#811 牛牛充能完毕 326 1 0 1 100.0%
#812 混子一个 326 130 0 2 50.0%
#813 FoolOfaTook 326 0 0 1 100.0%
#814 叁方 324 43 0 1 100.0%
#815 刘背 314 261 0 5 83.3% 🇨🇳
#816 Teresa 314 449 0 6 37.5% 🇨🇳
#817 花之语 313 227 0 10 66.7% 🇦🇷
#818 GOAT 310 68 0 5 71.4%
#819 大聪明 304 133 0 4 100.0%
#820 AYUDIN 304 107 2 4 80.0% 🇵🇪
#821 holodgreen 302 112 0 1 100.0% 🇷🇺
#822 W4R 300 93 0 1 100.0%
#823 JK07DAVID 300 32 0 1 100.0% 🇵🇪
#824 Eureka 292 159 0 2 50.0%
#825 Asylum Escapee(: 290 292 0 5 100.0% 🇷🇸
#826 TOKKiSU 290 508 5 12 46.2%
#827 duredent 288 62 0 3 100.0% 🇫🇷
#828 Tischlp 277 62 0 5 100.0% 🇩🇪
#829 Hosai 272 397 1 3 50.0% 🇦🇷
#830 青涩后妈 265 371 3 3 75.0%
#831 Death666 264 91 1 2 28.6% 🇷🇺
#832 yaz 264 38 1 2 50.0%
#833 Mongdang 264 97 0 2 100.0%
#834 盖比利 256 1 0 2 100.0% 🇨🇳
#835 GG 249 217 3 13 81.2% 🇨🇳
#836 卡拉彼丘在逃猫娘 249 249 3 13 81.2%
#837 ඞDumbassඞ 248 547 2 6 50.0%
#838 Fkilles 241 18 0 1 100.0%
#839 pirog 240 867 1 10 76.9%
#840 AliC 234 61 0 3 75.0%
#841 Jowurr 228 13 0 1 100.0% 🇨🇱
#842 complete19 228 1 0 1 100.0%
#843 DarkMolnm 228 5 0 1 100.0% 🇷🇺
#844 Water/Melon 227 76 0 1 100.0%
#845 hsbro2803 227 145 0 1 100.0%
#846 Pt.Jones 216 248 2 4 28.6% 🇮🇹
#847 Aucomes 215 192 0 3 42.9%
#848 REra_Fox 205 43 1 1 100.0% 🇨🇳
#849 418sh9y493hr928r 205 1,588 3 27 81.8%
#850 跟他沟通和你 205 5 0 1 100.0%
#851 Hell 201 190 2 7 87.5%
#852 凛冬盛开的樱花 200 131 0 6 100.0%
#853 Ye_Xing_Chen 193 191 0 3 100.0% 🇺🇸
#854 and.kotliar 185 442 1 6 66.7%
#855 Смерт 184 0 0 1 100.0%
#856 DHERO-血魔 183 374 1 9 69.2%
#857 327 183 167 1 5 71.4%
#858 宇智波带土「忍界大战」 175 615 2 3 60.0%
#859 Talking Grass 172 208 0 6 85.7% 🇨🇳
#860 可以和解吗 167 324 2 3 60.0%
#861 olivertsu4833 166 88 0 2 40.0%
#862 Give me the penguin COINS 164 138 0 1 100.0%
#863 borther 164 67 0 1 100.0%
#864 小人人887 156 27 1 3 100.0%
#865 boney man 153 210 0 7 77.8%
#866 冰月 148 221 0 4 100.0%
#867 Alex 145 1 0 1 100.0% 🇧🇾
#868 dronexe 145 23 0 1 100.0% 🇦🇿
#869 145 62 0 1 100.0% 🇹🇼
#870 虛無_鬼王 140 196 0 3 50.0%
#871 windyyyyy 140 49 0 4 66.7%
#872 Quốc Tài 132 170 1 3 42.9% 🇻🇳
#873 zhoubenyang1 132 346 0 3 42.9%
#874 柚子厨 131 300 1 4 80.0%
#875 麻烦我没法 131 60 0 4 80.0%
#876 HKL 128 100 0 1 100.0%
#877 k3nTaX 128 8 0 1 100.0%
#878 海牛科技&艾登电玩 128 27 0 1 100.0%
#879 Damo 128 9 0 1 100.0% 🇵🇱
#880 武士OGZOLA 128 13 0 1 100.0% 🇵🇱
#881 CM PUNK 126 273 0 5 83.3%
#882 天王六的兄弟 124 104 4 5 100.0% 🇨🇳
#883 Mmang_ 121 259 0 5 83.3%
#884 散华礼弥 121 12 0 2 100.0%
#885 anton.frasl 117 111 0 4 80.0%
#886 千寻 113 335 2 2 15.4%
#887 我勒个豆 111 39 0 1 100.0%
#888 莫樑 111 1 0 1 100.0%
#889 ^_^ 111 6 0 1 100.0%
#890 Echo 108 182 0 2 66.7% 🇨🇳
#891 Goreflex3 108 59 0 2 66.7%
#892 Moony_m2 104 322 0 5 71.4%
#893 fritz.two 103 160 2 3 100.0%
#894 3253209662 100 104 0 2 66.7% 🇺🇸
#895 hero2602 100 53 1 2 100.0%
#896 燃烧的小腿毛 95 349 1 6 37.5%
#897 yaRomanrus 95 17 0 1 100.0%
#898 YSF194 95 462 1 6 37.5%
#899 是阿息吧 92 172 0 3 60.0% 🇨🇳
#900 <End> 91 78 2 6 75.0% 🇨🇳