Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop Stats
Heroes of the Interstellar Armed Forces

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Heroes of the Interstellar Armed Forces is a monthly competition where players complete missions on participating dedicated servers. The harder the mission, the more points it grants.

This season ran from 1 mai 2024 to 1 juin 2024.

Ranking History

Rank Player Score Aliens Eliminated Team Kills Missions Completed Success Rate
Rank Player Score Aliens Eliminated Team Kills Missions Completed Success Rate
#1 ybb 3,674,706 440,831 2,244 543 10.9%
#2 玛卡巴卡 3,534,555 332,234 2,083 476 9.6%
#3 软萌甜妹白毛酱 3,474,213 213,857 1,654 327 10.2% 🇨🇳
#4 你家大爷 3,365,004 319,101 3,411 398 8.5% 🇨🇳
#5 黎明萧晓 3,241,934 100,401 614 399 11.6% 🇨🇳
#6 YaMi 3,200,197 97,733 838 190 9.9% 🇨🇦
#7 BurstIntoPieces 3,079,575 102,216 517 197 11.8%
#8 MiSide 3,077,483 112,407 851 161 9.2%
#9 我不会说中文抱歉:( 3,049,059 97,128 1,211 259 9.1%
#10 萝莉 3,027,939 106,861 892 169 10.3% 🇨🇳
#11 金凤雨 2,987,198 94,714 671 171 11.6%
#12 皮皮 2,929,073 95,787 902 187 11.1%
#13 Visions 2,908,246 115,112 931 214 11.9%
#14 DaiLouFu 2,871,703 117,340 787 228 9.0% 🇨🇳
#15 2,818,782 43,185 152 154 13.5%
#16 我要把你猫猫抓走 2,787,544 102,545 937 302 12.9% 🇨🇳
#17 何荼荼 2,751,898 75,003 700 118 9.0%
#18 Ruaway 2,750,306 42,566 334 127 9.1%
#19 mcyangtuo 2,750,048 70,065 380 160 11.9%
#20 揽月 2,731,705 105,921 1,047 200 10.5%
#21 无论过去 不问将来 2,708,688 98,787 666 154 10.1%
#22 若离 2,638,187 69,276 694 133 10.1% 🇨🇳
#23 酥甜甜与毛茸茸 2,614,652 83,558 635 143 13.0% 🇨🇳
#24 _Daybreak 2,516,098 128,961 1,126 204 8.5%
#25 牛肉有毒 2,463,340 39,953 287 83 12.3%
#26 WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW 2,457,071 32,891 332 69 9.7% 🇨🇳
#27 InsOmniA 2,402,512 44,701 181 88 11.1% 🇨🇳
#28 m0K1ng 2,397,238 30,464 298 51 10.9%
#29 温柔一刀 2,358,602 40,541 347 112 10.5% 🇨🇳
#30 FC4.LLX 2,294,821 49,876 352 84 9.4% 🇨🇳
#31 核核的猫猫 2,292,987 48,780 498 181 16.1%
#32 月冷黄沙鬼守尸 2,278,356 15,138 98 98 25.7%
#33 枫叶粽子❀ 2,188,477 52,929 535 210 18.8% 🇨🇳
#34 萤辰 2,174,953 47,841 512 83 10.9%
#35 宁静致远 2,174,495 19,868 127 52 14.4%
#36 LilaS 2,173,392 44,818 403 62 8.9% 🇨🇳
#37 幽小二youer 2,172,055 47,060 340 168 16.3% 🇨🇳
#38 Sakura 2,130,214 16,538 130 35 17.5%
#39 maxncr 2,103,425 19,302 313 66 12.2%
#40 defenestration 2,100,720 9,977 49 27 12.7%
#41 FriendZone 2,077,111 72,576 911 166 9.4%
#42 =kamao= 2,032,317 36,246 319 138 10.0% 🇨🇳
#43 QLZASEN 2,001,589 14,667 82 57 16.6%
#44 有顶天的冰沙桃 1,984,727 28,625 322 66 11.2%
#45 :丿 1,959,364 24,832 188 58 9.0%
#46 碧玉仙 1,951,663 18,718 126 40 12.9% 🇨🇳
#47 谜音微雪 1,922,766 11,361 233 47 12.3% 🇨🇳
#48 已埋 1,910,764 27,499 382 73 11.3%
#49 又困又累 1,906,288 19,363 201 39 7.0% 🇨🇳
#50 wojiaowesa 1,867,805 5,886 34 20 18.2% 🇨🇳
#51 life 1,827,393 66,680 495 246 18.8%
#52 落日 1,814,891 35,523 302 75 8.8% 🇨🇳
#53 xKito 1,787,970 38,856 312 58 11.6%
#54 飓风 1,785,088 9,750 100 39 16.8% 🇨🇳
#55 散分带星 1,777,320 17,916 196 50 15.6% 🇨🇳
#56 烽火狼人 1,764,780 10,799 117 28 10.8%
#57 BeMOre 1,762,620 11,281 86 44 14.5%
#58 火莲 1,759,206 14,854 89 52 16.8% 🇨🇳
#59 蝶恋花 1,751,258 30,605 375 99 12.5%
#60 萌新Offcial 1,734,590 22,011 447 61 7.4%
#61 勇敢肘子 不怕白给 1,699,454 21,678 267 67 11.0% 🇨🇳
#62 Made In Heaven 1,693,128 4,575 19 14 13.6% 🇨🇳
#63 aqua5 1,685,117 22,960 170 30 14.0%
#64 羽眠 1,672,452 12,083 122 41 13.5%
#65 岁月如歌 1,652,438 12,398 187 37 11.0%
#66 女娲补天我艹地 1,635,409 18,202 79 22 11.8%
#67 wompwomp 1,635,148 35,363 309 36 6.7%
#68 哭着哭着就萌了 1,630,471 14,736 96 22 12.5% 🇨🇳
#69 泡芙 1,615,314 9,149 20 28 8.0%
#70 一只爱苏nanora~♪ 1,607,304 15,220 145 29 11.6%
#71 小广 1,594,734 15,938 153 38 10.3%
#72 Wol_Fu 1,591,800 6,851 10 35 9.3% 🇯🇵
#73 啊哈哈 1,583,359 57,993 201 226 24.1% 🇨🇳
#74 Sunday 1,560,399 2,600 16 54 25.5%
#75 三明治 1,547,020 16,130 154 42 11.7%
#76 我不是坏B 1,524,925 19,843 184 66 16.4%
#77 Bad Time 1,506,580 24,922 214 55 10.8%
#78 夏目大人 1,476,154 3,759 12 36 12.5% 🇨🇳
#79 人呢 1,467,921 22,192 177 37 8.0% 🇨🇳
#80 小林子 1,461,684 17,488 271 122 19.6%
#81 玲星 1,451,258 10,420 54 39 13.5%
#82 996 1,431,808 9,121 23 18 11.7% 🇨🇳
#83 萝莉岛解题王霍先生 1,422,292 10,368 178 19 8.0%
#84 chaoS 1,365,106 23,159 263 31 7.7%
#85 永久冻土的终焉之猫 1,364,509 48,943 549 187 12.2%
#86 Ben 1,362,558 5,696 115 51 15.4%
#87 好呀 1,357,424 12,793 124 75 29.8%
#88 小科比肘妈妈 1,352,101 18,684 175 38 12.8% 🇨🇳
#89 同意 1,347,914 18,921 274 41 8.5% 🇨🇳
#90 CRY 1,327,315 13,559 114 42 14.0%
#91 ʚoɞ 1,271,325 25,287 432 121 13.3%
#92 vq 1,248,728 98,404 684 114 7.3%
#93 傻仙不多情 1,243,138 2,400 15 20 16.4% 🇨🇳
#94 GOGOGO 1,237,825 7,547 90 26 12.9%
#95 又菜又爱玩 1,231,398 8,419 131 47 9.7%
#96 【𝓐𝓕𝓩】黎明 1,220,037 2,416 14 19 21.6%
#97 Cjz 1,213,679 31,738 204 92 24.3% 🇨🇳
#98 mfz 1,203,314 64,193 299 98 8.4%
#99 Scorpion 1,182,221 7,405 61 28 14.0%
#100 辰夜 1,145,276 12,079 130 35 13.3%